RST CleanTech installed the RST NightWash™ system, on a solar array located in Hollister, California in January of 2022. We compared this system’s energy production between the last six months of 2021 and 2022, respectively, considering that their solar array was not installed until the spring of 2021.
Since installing RST NightWash™, the energy production of Joe’s solar array improved by 22% compared to cleaning 3 times.
Instead of wasting money on manual cleanings over the next 25 years, Joe installed the RST system on his solar array. He already has an extra $30,000 in his pocket thanks to his investment in RST; throughout his solar array’s lifespan, Joe will accrue over $2M more thanks to extra electrical production and avoided manual cleaning costs.
The chart above depicts how much more profit Joe would make if his system produces 20% more production over the course of the next 25 years:
Joe can now automate weekly cleanings with RST that prevent dirt from accumulating on his solar panels. He’ll never waste time waiting for the cleaners to show up. Similar to setting an alarm on your phone, the RST system can be programmed to clean panels at night, which avoids thermal stress and ensures that panel warranties are protected.
You could be missing out on over $2M over the course of the next 25 years. Most people think that roughly two manual cleanings per year will effectively combat soiling losses. They are wrong – by 22% in this case. Manual panel cleanings leave your system still underperforming expectations. This can be easily avoided.
No one should settle for looking at dirt-covered brown panels. Stop waiting for the panel cleaner to arrive, keep your panels blue all the time with RST NightWash™!
For more information, download
the case study here.Over 10 years ago, we set out to solve one of the biggest problems facing solar – panel soiling. We wanted to find a way to keep panels clean, maximize energy production, protect panel warranties, and increase revenue for system owners.
We knew there had to be a way to achieve our goals that didn’t entail deploying thousands of bristle-wielding workers or robots onto high voltage solar arrays across the world. When we realized there wasn’t, we created one. Enter, RST NightWash™.
RST NightWash™ is a safe, cost-effective, and eco-friendly automated solar panel cleaning solution.