Case studies

Vanden Berge Dairy

Vanden Berge Dairy

$1.29M more production

over the project's lifespan

13.46% more

energy produced than cleaning twice a year

“I’m more than glad that my solar installer recommended RST. Whenever I look at my panels, they’re clean. Farmers, peers, and everyone always ask how I keep my panels clean, and I tell them about RST. It’s not complicated. Cleaner panels produce more energy. Just down the road, I’ll see people manually cleaning panels without RST, a few days later and they’re already covered with dust – I never see that on mine.”

In the first year, Vanden Berge Dairy produced $35,253 more energy with RST and avoided $3,000 in manual cleaning cost

RST CleanTech installed the RST NightWash™ system, on a solar array located in Bakersfield, California in October of 2021. We compared the energy production of VB Dairy to a nearby site without RST. The nearby site paid for two manual cleanings last year.

VB Dairy produced 13.46% (or $35,253) more energy, achieving an impressive 2261 kWh/kW for the year.

1.8 year payback period

Instead of paying $88,000 on manual cleanings for the next 25 years, Curtis Vanden Berge bought the RST system when installing his solar array. After the first year, not only did he avoid manual cleaning costs, he also made an extra $35,253 in extra energy production. His RST system pays for itself in just 1.8 years. Curtis stands to put $1.29M more in his pocket thanks to extra electrical production and avoided manual cleaning costs.

$1.29M more profit over the project’s lifespan

Full control from the comfort of his phone

Only $68 per year for water (cleaning his panels 3 times a week)

Curtis is fully in control of when he cleans his solar array, and never wastes time waiting for the cleaners to show up. Controlled by his phone, the RST system cleans his panels at night avoiding thermal stress, ensuring panel warranties are protected for the next 25 years.

How much are you losing between manual panel cleanings?

Over 25 years, 1.24M in lost production and $88,000 in manual cleanings. Most people think that roughly two manual cleanings per year will effectively combat soiling losses. They are wrong - by 13.46% in this case. Manual panel cleanings leave your system still underperforming expectations. This can be easily avoided.

No one should settle for looking at dirt-covered brown panels. Stop waiting for the panel cleaner to arrive, keep your panels blue all the time with RST NightWash™!

For more information, download

the case study here.

Why RST CleanTech?

Over 10 years ago, we set out to solve one of the biggest problems facing solar – panel soiling. We wanted to find a way to keep panels clean, maximize energy production, protect panel warranties, and increase revenue for system owners.

We knew there had to be a way to achieve our goals that didn’t entail deploying thousands of bristle-wielding workers or robots onto high voltage solar arrays across the world. When we realized there wasn’t, we created one. Enter, RST NightWash™.

RST NightWash™ is a safe, cost-effective, and eco-friendly automated solar panel cleaning solution.


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